Frequently Asked Questions


WebNativefier is a product that converts your website into a fully functional mobile app for Android in less than 48 hours and at a significantly lower cost than traditional mobile app development companies.

An app comes with better performance, increased brand recognition, offline availability, push notifications and regularly returning visitors to your site.

You just need your website URL, App Name and Logo. Everything else can be configured in our online configurator.

Your app will always show the current state of your website, so you website changes will be automatically visible in the app as well. Unless you change your website url, app name or logo, there is usually no need for an app update through the Play Store.

As your app is based on your website, we can develop it very quickly. You will receive your app in less than 48 hours.

If you have questions you can reach us best by sending us an e-mail at We reply in less than 24 hours.

App Publishing & Delivery

When your app is ready we will send you the .APK and .AAB files that you can then publish to the Play Store.

First you will need to create a developer account, then you upload your app (.APK or .AAB file) to your developer account. Finally, fill in the required information like the app name, description, etc. and submit the app for review. Google's reviewers will then test the app and make it available in the Play Store. It might sound a bit complicated, but we have detailed guides on every step.

Google charges a one-time fee of $25 for a developer account that you can use to publish apps in the Play Store.

Yes, sometimes the Google app reviewers think there's a problem with the app. Usually these disagreements can be resolved by explaining the app to them though. In rare cases when there is an issue with publishing your app please contact us and we will solve it together.

After your app has been published, it can take a few days to weeks until it can be easily found using the search function of the Play Store. We recommend that you write a detailed description for your app to optimize the chances of it being found with the search function. You can always find your app with the direct link to it's Play Store page.

You can independently distribute your Android app by letting your users download and install the .APK file.

To restrict access to you app you should implement some kind of a login feature for your website. We do not offer password protection in the app itself, because a user may still find your URL and use the web browser to access your website instead.

No, because the app is published from your developer account, your customers will see your or your company's name in the Play Store. Your app is completely white label, so there is no mention of our service anywhere in it.

Technical Questions

Your application will look exactly like your website on a mobile device, without the browser interface. Depending on which add-ons you have activated, it might also show a bottom navigation bar, or navigation drawer, etc.

Any mobile responsive website. If your website is working in mobile browser, it will work in the app as well.

No, we do not give out the source code for the apps. However, you don't need the code for you and your customers to freely use your app. Instead we give you the finished, compiled app file that can be directly uploaded to the Play Store. That way you don't have to set up a development environment, which requires installing lots of programs.

Yes, the regular back button or back gesture works same as in other native apps on Android.

By default, your app works in both portrait and landscape mode, depending on how the user has turned their device. If your website only works in one orientation, you can choose either portrait or landscape in the configurator and we will lock it to the specified orientation.

After you've enabled and configured the push notifications add-on for your app, you can use the OneSignal platform to send push notifications to the users of your app. If you would rather send customized push notifications to individual groups of users of your app, you can use the external user ids.


Our service is a one-time payment. You only have to pay once to convert one website. There are no monthly or yearly fees.

We offer a full refund within 30 days of your order if your app is not accepted on Google Play due to issues related to the app itself. Please note that refunds are not applicable if the rejection is attributed to problems with your website rather than the app's functionality.

Ready to launch your app?

Please submit your website URL to launch the configurator